Advanced Eye Care
of South Florida

Tatiana Lee-Chee, DO, FAOCO

Office Examinations

Close up photo, female doctor testing person for her eyes
Office Examinations

Comprehensive eye exams

Eye exams are professional screenings used to evaluate the health of the eye and diagnose vision impairments and disease. Each is comprised of a series

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Intraocular lens implanted in the human eye
Office Examinations

Cataract evaluation

Cataracts are common, age-related clouding of the clear lens that covers the eye. Though they are not dangerous or threatening to the health of the

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Modern bright city view through eyeglasses
Office Examinations

Macular degeneration exams

Macular degeneration is a disease in which the macula weakens, resulting in a loss of central vision. The condition, also known as age-related macular degeneration

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Enlarged anatomical eye model and laboratory samplers
Office Examinations

Diabetic eye exam

Diabetic retinopathy is a progressive eye disease that slowly deteriorates vision over time. In its initial stages, the disease may present few or no symptoms.

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Drops before putting on lenses
Office Examinations

Dry eye treatment

Dry eye is a chronic condition in which the body does not produce enough quality tears to sufficiently lubricate the eye. Without tear lubrication, the

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